Enhesa Knows OHS: World Day for Safety & Health at Work

This #SafeDay, enhance your OHS program with expert insights into what health & safety means today – including social sustainability, mental well-ness, effective training and hybrid working.

Download the new social issues primer for compliance professionals.

Make your workplaces safer – and more sustainable – with resources on:

This World Day for Safety & Health at Work, it’s about safety and sustainability.

We’ve heard it before: safety first. But before you can protect your employees, you need to know what risks you’re up against. Today, the term occupational health and safety means more than it used to. Beyond physical protection, regulators are calling for businesses to act to ensure mental health, effective training, as well as transparency in dealing with rights at work – whether they work on-site, off-site, or at home.

This year, the International Labour Organisation’s (ILO) World Day for Safety & Health at Work theme is “A safe and healthy working environment is a fundamental principle and right at work.” And we’re celebrating with resources to empower you to stay in line with trends and overcoming OHS challenges – today, tomorrow, and all year long.

<span id="anchor1">Holistic health & safety</span>

Regulatory content and sustainability intelligence

Are you ready for the S in ESG and sustainability reporting?

With so much attention on the environmental aspects of sustainability reporting, make sure you don’t miss what’s changing for the social pillar.

Regulatory content and sustainability intelligence

Prepare your business for the CSDD & its upcoming rules

Even before the CSDD proposal gets the green light, you’ll need to start planning how to comply with these sustainability due diligence duties.

Regulatory content and sustainability intelligence

3 pillars of a positive occupational health & safety culture

Building the right occupational health & safety culture begins with how you approach compliance in the first place. These 3 pillars show you where to start.

Regulatory content and sustainability intelligence

5 steps to creating a stronger EHS compliance culture

Drop the blame game, raise the bar higher for EHS compliance, and reach new levels of transparency with a process that fosters the right culture.

Regulatory content and sustainability intelligence

[Webcast] Build your best EHS compliance culture

An insider’s guide to achieving real change in and commitment to EHS compliance in your business, with Bruce Adler, EHS leader at GE for 28 years.

Free: A social primer for compliance professionals

There’s more to sustainability reporting than environmental topics. Businesses are also being asked to show transparency in social issues like health and safety, labor practices, and more.

Get your company caught up on what the social pillar is and what’s changing in regulations around it.

Download the handbook today

<span id="anchor2">Mental well-being at work</span>

Regulatory content and sustainability intelligence

Supporting mental health and well-being in the workplace

People are leaving the workforce, and a key to keeping them is protecting their mental health at work. Here are some tangible ways to enable wellbeing.

Regulatory content and sustainability intelligence

Mental health at work: Top 3 questions for employers

Keys for protecting mental health at work – from keeping an eye out for issues to what employers can do to help.

Regulatory content and sustainability intelligence

5 best practices for supporting mental health at the workplace

Concrete tips for managing this complex, cross-over topic. How to make supporting mental health at the workplace everyone’s business.

Regulatory content and sustainability intelligence

What is presenteeism? The price of productivity loss

Being at work vs being productive at work: The difference comes down to presenteeism in your workforce and how it impacts your business’s bottom line.

Regulatory content and sustainability intelligence

The Right to Disconnect from work: Soon a reality in Europe

Working at home or working at all hours? As the EU aims to eliminate confusion, the right to disconnect from work adds another layer to EHS compliance.

Regulatory content and sustainability intelligence

How work stress is changing occupational health requirements

Occupational health means more than ever before. Is your program prepared for regulations against work stress and other psychosocial risk factors?

<span id="anchor3">Regulatory trends & training </span>

Regulatory content and sustainability intelligence

Emerging risks in health & safety

Changing from considerations to emerging risks, teleworking safety and workers’ mental health are in the spotlight. Is your risk assessment up to par?

Regulatory content and sustainability intelligence

Are remote working, teleworking & home working the same?

Actually, not always. What teleworking, remote working, and home working are depends on where and how we do them. At least, in some jurisdictions.

Regulatory content and sustainability intelligence

Micro learning: Training that works for today’s workforce

Teleworking and diverse learning styles bring massive challenges in training employees. Is micro learning the solution for your company?

Regulatory content and sustainability intelligence

EHS safety training: Enhance culture and increase compliance

EHS safety training is more than just a vital tool to keep your company compliant. Learn how you can use training as a catalyst for change in your business.

What to know about on-site safety kits

Coming soon!

Regulatory content and sustainability intelligence

Why think twice about smart PPE

Seeing smart wearables through rose-colored glasses? This list of pros & cons looks at smart personal protective equipment from a new perspective.

Regulatory content and sustainability intelligence

Confined space regulations, redefined: 3 key changes

Are your safety measures up to par with how confined space regulations are progressing?

Regulatory content and sustainability intelligence

Health & safety in the workplace: Overcoming 4 top challenges

From keeping track of specialist requirements to addressing new risks to adapting training to changing needs.

<span id="anchor4">Maintaining your best OHS</span>

Regulatory content and sustainability intelligence

Proactive incident management: More insights, fewer issues

Is it time to review your approach to incident management? Being proactive can help reduce risk in the first place – and lower costs overall.

Regulatory content and sustainability intelligence

Trends to tackle in an occupational health and safety system

How to keep your occupational health and safety system on top of today’s top trends.

Regulatory content and sustainability intelligence

A complete picture of compliance metrics

Better outcomes from deeper insights. EHS compliance expert Bruce Adler shares his take on getting more out of your compliance metrics.

Regulatory content and sustainability intelligence

3 ideas to improve safety at work

Stuck on next steps to improve safety in the workplace? These seemingly simple best practices can help give your efforts a boost.

Free whitepaper: Sustainability & compliance – Understanding the social pillar

Want to know where to start with the social pillar of sustainability reporting? Due diligence in issues such as human rights, equity and inclusion, mental well-being, and social impact can be harder to measure and quantify than environmental matters.

Get started on social topics with these insights for compliance professionals, including:

  • What is the social pillar?
  • Reporting on it
  • Related regulatory changes

Download this resource to put the social pillar into perspective for your business!